Ass Flashing

Posted by: Danei

Nov 2, 2013

Recent Comments for Ass Flashing (21)
  • She's so teasing! I really like her legs and smooth ass!
  • Well, I believe it's spot on, but let's look at something here. First, look at your moniker. A moniker is supposed to be a personal identification, and as you pick it yourself, it's your personal view of yourself. In other words, even YOU believe you're a bodily waste. Second, the fact I have you coming to a week-old board truly evidences the fact I am dominating you; as obsession is a known attribute of those unable to accept the fact they've been bettered. What more must I say?
  • If she's vomit!ng, "Up Chucked," it's probably because she saw a picture of you. I'm sure a picture of you also works well as an insect repellant.
  • It's obvious what happened to your chicken, "Speech" . . . you choked it. Same as always--it's your only option as no other person would want to be with you.
  • Amazing, "" truly shows that the double zero in his moniker is probably in reference to his SAT scores. I mean he wrote "b@@@@@@@@@@." Now anyone else would have known how to get around things, but this dude is so dimwitted that he made this into a SHEEP joke. Then again, maybe that was intentional . . . that was his last date.
  • And I'll repeat myself again, "Bistro," so long as your moronic attacks remain the same, the responses do as well. As to you, "heyyyyyyyyy," sure sounds like you have familiarity with that subject. "Tranny undies?" I've never heard of those . . . but perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that YOU have. As to "7788 8," suffice it to say that I'm not surprised that he can't differentiate between male and female. Inexperience and unfamiliarity lead to your confusion.
  • Specifically, psychologists would say that there's a strong likelihood of latent h0m0sexuality with misogynists. You engage in misogynistic conduct, so read between the lines. But your one line there is very telling. You wrote: "just don't see many here to eye appealing." Ignoring the fact that you write like an uneducated, illiterate clod, the fact remains that despite not seeing women here you like, you keep coming back. Thus the SOLE reason you come here is to bash women. So what does that say about your life?
  • Apparently reading comprehension is as alien to you as having a date with an actual woman. So long as your attacks remain the same, so will the responses. Your inability to try anything new is what shows you to be a moron.
  • Well, sorry, "74 56," but I don't change logic as often as you change your moniker. But there's a reason my responses are so similar . . . and that's because your attacks and antics never change. You can ask me today, tomorrow or next week "what does two plus two equal," and the answer will ALWAYS be "four." So why don't you try doing something unique . . . maybe act like a thinking human being. Oh, what was I thinking, that's waaaaaay beyond your abilities.
  • WTF ? Grandma is that you ?
  • wtf wasted
  • Doesn't matter what day it is, "Ahab," you'll always be a l0ser.
  • FLAG ncdave! SAME stoopid "big fun toy" copy & paste comment for the last 3 years. Not funny anymore.
  • Tell you what, "mr moto," when you can point out the flaw in what I say, perhaps you can pass judgment. Until then, it's clear that you're only angry because I've demonstrated how big a moron you are, and that just pisses you off.
  • So "in your day" it was considered "acceptable" to insult women and call them vile and even racist names? In what culture did YOU live? Did you grow up in Assholetopia? This isn't about political correctness, you dullard. It's about simple respect. And to the best of my knowledge, RESPECT was always "in style." Face it, you dolt, you're just attempting to defend the fact that you're an asshole . . . nothing more and nothing less.
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