Dark Games 2

Posted by: Lundessens

Apr 7, 2014

Miss is so excited to submit Mister, but the roles could be invert...

Recent Comments for Dark Games 2 (19)
  • Who wants to crazy fuck?
  • Nice looking nude shots! I really like her busty cleavage!
  • And, once again, you're there to lick it up. Face it, "QUEER Hornet," every time you use the word "eunuch"--a word you had apparently never heard of until another used it--you truly show how uneducated and unintelligent you are. You're like the toddler who says a curse word, and everyone laughs because a toddler said that word. But next thing you know, you can't STOP that toddler from saying that word because he enjoys the attention and the feeling of accomplishment. Difference is that the toddler will outgrow it . . . and you won't! LOL
  • I have no reason to attack "srchief," as we only have a disagreement. He believes you clods should simply be ignored. I believe you should be treated to the same abuse you dish out so freely. If "srchief" attacks a woman, then he and I will have an issue. But I DO so love how "QUEER Hornet" continues to run around like a 2-year old repeating the same word over and over. Were he creative (which he isn't, as creativity requires intelligence), he'd try to utilize a homonym or two . . . for example, he could have used "gelding" or "; He could have mixed in a comment about neutering. But it makes no difference, as I have a woman and he doesn't, so no matter what he calls me, I'm still more man than he is! LOL
  • the new hamburger.... danny the eunuch in the hamburger aka king moron......
  • The "EUNUCH has spoken.... aka king moron
  • Mr. Mrs. Captain please feel free to call daninhbg any of the following, king moron aka danny in the hamburger aka an inbred THE HAMBURGER TO SHUT HIM UP !!!!!!!!!!
  • :-D
  • j'adore vos contributions ... j'aimerais voir son visage couvert de sperme ... peut etre une bonne idée pour la suite de la saga "dark games" ? :-) mustang-77@
  • Wow, I am so scared, "MrMrsCaptain" (not only is he gender confused, but apparently the clod likes to think he's in the navy . . . guess we know what that means . . . anyone else hear the song "YMCA" in the background? Hey, clod, before you attempt to act superior, atleast learn the proper use of an ellipses . . . and while you're at it, learn that, as used in your sentence, "everyone" should have been TWO words, you illiterate moron.
  • thank you for your support daninhbg, i undertand and i agree with you, and say the same thing since the begin to my gf. It's your first countri, and there is some misstake -> post the same day, before any comments. i undertsand why some people want more, and there is better words to tell what they wants. We will submit more sexually explicite next time and then, all people could be "happy". anyway, i think someone have shit in their eyes and spirit too: i never see girl from victoria secret with cum on her face (wasn't a so bad idea) -> we have a lot of great comments on HC and it's a great support for us to post more on VW
  • Yes, the circus is in town, and "QUEER Hornet" is what they're shoveling up after the horses and elephants walk off stage. And for "QUEER Hornet" to question my heterosexuality is rather amusing. As I've repeatedly shown, his conduct evidences the fact that he is--at best--sexually confused. He abusive women anonymously, like the coward he is. Plus he tends to write extremely vivid des?riptions of g@y sex in his insults; thus proving he either spends a lot of time contemplating/fantasizing about that subject . . . or is simply writing from experience.
  • the circus is back in town and here is a clown to prove it and the ringmaster is here go hamburger aka king moron..... you are a heterorsexual hamburger .... bullshit....
  • Very erotic pictures of a very sexy lady with an amazing body. I apologize for the morons who decide to use your comment section to make themselves feel big or important. You got my Superb vote!
  • Case in point, look at the last three posts. Number of contributions between the three of them . . . ZERO. Would we like to see more of you? Yes. But unlike the bashers, those of us who have achieved a level of maturity and decency will simply continue to enjoy the journey. But don't listen to critiques from those who have never contributed anything, as they have no standing.
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